About John Stirk
John Stirk has been involved in body mind work for 45 years. He conducted workshops with R. D. Laing in the 1980s, and practiced as an Osteopath for more than 30 years during which time he combined osteopathic principles with the physical aspect of yoga practice and teaching.
His background in Osteopathy, yoga and meditation and humanistic psychology has stimulated his interest in the relationship between Eastern and Western approaches to personal growth. His teaching experientially explores parallels between Yoga and quantum physics.
His acknowledgement of the fragmentation and trauma buried within our physiology have awakened his curiosity in the indivisibility between qualities of sensation and the transformative effect of the gravitational field, space, energy and silence.
John explores the interface between consciousness as we know it and something beyond that appears to hold the healing power of an innate creative intelligence.
Sensitive awareness is a movement without conclusion. There are sensations within sensations and insights within insight. When we pin something down, nature reminds us it has moved on, invites us to let go of previous experience and open to something profoundly unknowable and essentially present
When we pass through inner emptiness we come out into the light
His books over the years reflect the refinement of his approach. Soft exercise 1983, Structural Fitness 1988, The Original Body, Primal Movement for Yoga Teachers 2015, Deeper Still – Authentic Embodiment for Yoga Teachers 2021.