"The brain might be a generator and condenser of consciousness, fed by the environment. For the mind to exist it may depend upon a broader field of consciousness with the brain as the organizer, as it tunes into the wavelength of a primal field. We might leach consciousness from all around us."

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"We consist of a myriad of interconnecting cores energetically resonant with one another and with the bigger picture. Personal consciousness is a radiant core connecting to a wider field."

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John Stirk has been teaching yoga
and body-mind movement for 40 years

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Weekly classes and workshops
held throughout the year

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John Stirk Yoga

Yoga practitioner John Stirk has been teaching Yoga and body-mind movement for over 40 years. His work aims to deepen, open and broaden the Yoga experience by inviting students to sink beneath existing knowledge and practical application and draw out for themselves their deeper practitioner.

John’s interest in the impediments to understanding, compassion and freedom from the self, informs his posture based work which attends to the physical while simultaneously questioning the nature of conditioning, habit and fear in their various guises.

Participants are invited to open up ways of being that include clarity, relaxed sensitivity, and a deep, flowing awareness of how they are on all levels.

He runs classes, workshops and residentials for yoga students and teachers throughout the UK and internationally. For a ‘one-to-one’ session with John it’s best to contact him via email.

Book Releases

John has written a two yoga books – The Orignal Body and Deeper Still.

Online Classes and Workshops

Weekly Online Classes (every Tuesday 10am-11.30am)

Monthly Online Workshops (Tuesdays 7pm-9pm)
(UK time)

  • February 11th 2025
  • March 11th 2025
  • April 8th 2025
  • May 6th 2025
  • June 10th 2025
  • July 8th 2025
  • August 19th 2025
  • September 16th 2025
  • October 14th 2025
  • December 9th 2025

Contact:  johnlstirk@gmail.com for details or if you are interested in a ‘one to one’ session with John.

John is a truly gifted guide. He carefully balances; challenging with enormous and genuine encouragement; seriousness and utter commitment with humour; humility with visionary leadership. He shares his expansive and ever increasing knowledge and lives the transformation he speaks – showing us how we can transform ourselves through working deeply and holistically with our minds and bodies in positive and lasting ways. At the core of his work is love and generosity. I can’t recommend working with John highly enough and feel privileged to have attended his course (and days and retreats).

In “What lies beneath” course John guided us with extraordinary knowledge, remarkable sensitivity and care to (self) discover where movement comes from and where it leads to, and to experience the incredible possibilities this discovery can bring to our body, emotions and spirit.  This is yoga at its very fundamental basis.

As a yoga teacher, tutor and student with a growing interest and curiosity in what is within us, through the lens of yoga and spiritual practices, this book has given me plenty to take on board and continue to ponder long after turning the pages. Through the book I had some strong pause and wow moments, such as the conscious realisation reading the section on ‘Minds’ that we can’t physically feel inside our brain or the thoughts in the same way we can typically feel and sense other parts of our bodies. It includes interesting explanations for words we frequently use like ‘understanding’. The book is well presented and with suggested activities in different shaded boxes, throughout the chapters encouraging useful practices between teachers and their students. One of my favourite golden nuggets of wise words from this book is, ‘We may cultivate a calm atmosphere but calmness can only be found by each person.’

Overall, there’s a depth to the offerings in this book that may need revisiting or to be absorbed bit by bit. (Deeper Still 2021)

An epic body of work, written by an expert teacher/practitioner, who articulates so eloquently and joyfully his depth and breadth of knowledge of the body/mind/consciousness relationship. John Stirk writes with lifetimes of insight and flare and his own illustrations and photographs, taken by his talented daughter Sarah Stirk, make this book an absolute must-have for anyone who works in transformation and the body. It seemlessly combines practical insight with current academic thinking within the fields of neuroscience, psychology, philosophy (both East and West) making this book a timeless classic.

(Deeper Still 2021)

© Copyright - John Stirk Yoga. Website: Skim.